Wednesday, April 8, 2015

55. Phanny Packs

Thank God for fanny packs. They are the most underrated best invention ever.

I'm not really sure how fanny packs came to have such a negative connotation, other then the association of fanny packs with the horrific style decade of the eighties, but I won't let that stop me from professing my love for them.

Why I love fanny packs is if I go to Disneyland, a concert, or somewhere similar, a fanny pack is a godsend. You don't need to worry about dropping it, a strap falling off your shoulder, it being to heavy so it hurts your back, or someone grabbing it and running off. You can even conceal fanny packs from others to prevent pickpocketing. You can add character or a certain flair to your outfit. You can carry a surprising amount in a fanny pack. The best part, however, it that fanny packs come in all different colors, patters, sizes, basically however you want. So why all the hate?

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