Saturday, February 7, 2015

12. Riveting Reveal

As this coming Thursday rapidly approaches (the night of Big Little Reveal), I have been racking my brain for a cute/funny costume for me and my soon-to-be little. At first I thought about being Sully and Boo from Monster Inc. (I would be Boo of course in hope of embarrassing my little as sully). Then I thought about being Cruella Deville and a Dalmatian but then I realized that to be Cruella i would have to wear a wig all night and I do not want to do that. Then I thought about being a Lion and a ringleader but sadly someone had already claimed that costume. Then I thought about being Little Red Riding Hood and my little being the Big Bag Wolf but I remember someone did that last year and I wanted to do something original. Then it came down to my two final ideas: lifeguard and shark or magician and bunny. In the end I chose magician and bunny because at big little reveal we go rollerskating and I figure that a onesie bunny costume would be easier for my little to skate in that a full body shark costume.

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